Annual Projects
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Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club
Annual Projects
2010 Scholarship Fund Raiser - Holiday Wreath Making Project
  Barbara Swanson hosted 16 members and we made 196 bows to go on the Christmas Wreaths. They are very pretty this year. Everyone had a good time and we finished in time to enjoy cookies that Barbara, Sue, Diane & Linda W brought to go with our coffee & tea.

2009 Scholarship Fund Raiser - Holiday Wreath Making Project
  There was a good turnout of club members to make all of the bows needed for the 2009 annual wreath making project fundraiser. The workshop was held this year at Barbara Swanson's house.

2007 Scholarship Fund Raiser - Holiday Wreath Making Project
  We made 183 wreaths total. The general co-chairmen for the project were Jo Jameson and Jan Kespohl who did a super job.

The process begins with a bow making work shop chaired by Barbara Fain. The fresh plant materials are collected by all members. The wreath assembly takes place over three days. We begin by clipping the material into the proper lengths and placing them into boxes separated by type. The next step is to bundle the material then clamp them into the wreath forms. Lastly a bow is attached. There was a big turnout of workers this year. Thanks everyone.

2006 Scholarship Fund Raiser - Holiday Wreath Making Project
  This year we sold the most wreaths ever, assuring our scholarship program for another year.
Here are pictures of some of the members hard at work creating the beautiful wreaths.
Congratulations everyone for a job well done, especially our chairmen Linda Waterstraat, Barbara Fain,
Sue Gardner-Neumann & Diane Neilson and general chairman Joanne Jameson.

2005 Scholarship Fund Raiser - Holiday Wreath Making Project
  Making bows in preparation for the 2005 wreath making fundraiser.    

Arbor Day 2005 Tree Planting
  National Arbor Day, April 29,2005, we planted a tree at the newest Habitat for Humanity house in Clearlake. The beautiful 15 foot Raywood Ash was greatly appreciated by the Johnson family in their new back yard. (Photo below) Seven C.L.T.& T. members helped plant the tree and provided a lunch for the traveling homebuilders.

2004 Scholarship Fund Raiser - Holiday Wreath Making Project

We did it again this year! We had a very successful wreath-making project and I want to thank all the members who worked so hard to make it happen, especially Claire Grieve, our Chairman.

Barbara Swanson, President


Bow Making:
  Bow Making in Preparation For Our Wreath Making on December 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2004. The wreathmaking will take place at the Bachelor Valley Grange Hall, Government Road, Upper Lake. We will be working from 8 AM -4PM all three days.  We can use all the help we can get so please come and join us.  Bring a bag lunch, your gloves and clippers.


Arbor Day 2004 Tree Planting
  Here are pictures of our club members doing their annual Arbor Day duty!