       September 2005
Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club
Newsletter - September 2005
Below is our November 2005 newsletter. If you would like to print a copy, please download the Adobe PDF file by clicking here and print it using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not yet have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can get the free download by clicking here.
Est. 1955 Newsletter - September 2005 Mendo-Lake Dist.

President: Gina-Belle Smith

Editor: Barbara Swanson

Mark your calendar, our first meeting will be Tues, Sept. 20, 2005. We will start new member orientation at 11:45am following a social, meeting, and program. Reminder!!! every meeting, bring a cut flower in a container with a written description to show-n-tell. If you don’t know the name…someone will.

The fair was a success! Winning first prize, a blue ribbon and purple for “best of show”. The backdrop was hand painted by member Pat Hopper. Display was assembled by the committee lead by Barbara Swanson. See pictures on website.

Lake Ka-Ba-Tin Redbud Arrangers met on Tues, Sept.6th. The theme was Fall Colors. They were beautifully displayed, instruction was given and pictures were taken. You don’t want to miss this…Next month’s theme is Circles, (either by plant material or mechanics). Barbara Swanson will demonstrate an underwater design. Mark your calendar for the next meeting: Oct. 4th, same place and time. See pictures on website.

We are a Mendo-Lake District garden club. Lets welcome our new District Directors who are always available for sharing information. Introducing…Evelyn Broaddus,, 462-8141 and Nona Carpenter,, 485-8191. Both are members of Ukiah Garden Club. Stay posted for upcoming District Events. See pictures on website.

Do you know what CGCI stands for? California Garden Clubs Inc. and we are a big part of this organization. They are the backbone of our garden club. Curious? Check out the website at A warm welcome to our new Garden Club STATE President…all the way from England, Elizabeth Tufo.

As in all Garden Clubs, there are chairmen. One of our own is serving as Chairman for CGCI Honor Books, Sharon Thorne. Sharon has the following message:

“Did you know that you can honor any CGCI member with outstanding service, contributions or memorials by having their name printed in an Honor Book? We urge you to think of honoring a club member. Recognition of the work and/or service of members are extremely important to the success of goals of CGCI, your club, and your district.

1. Gold Honor Book: The funds collected are used for any of the objectives of CGCI upon a vote of the board of Directors. This fund also provides partial funding for the Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster Contests.

2. Copeland Honor Book: This Honor Book was established on 1988 by Dorothy Copeland. The interest earned from the funds is used to help pay Golden Gardens subscriptions for CGCI life members.

The Honor Books are displayed at the annual meeting of CGCI.
Contact your president to obtain the form.
CGCI Honor Books Chairman, Sharon Thorne”

Additional information is posted in hard copy format. For your hard copy newsletter, please send $1 SAS to CLTTGC, P.O. Box 704, Kelseyville, CA 95451.

Sowing seeds for another 50 years!