       Summer 2004
Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club
Newsletter - Summer 2004
Below is our Summer 2004 newsletter. If you would like to print a copy, please download the Adobe PDF file by clicking here and print it using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not yet have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can get the free download by clicking here.
Newsletter Summer 2004

President: Barbara Swanson

Editor: Joanne Jameson

Our spring was full of happenings! We participated in the Heron Festival & Wild Flower Brunch at Clear Lake State Park on April 24th with a table full of native plants to sell and a display showing the various native plants that grow in Lake County. Several members were in attendance all day to answer questions. We sold all the plants we had and the proceeds went to the Clear Lake State Park Interpretive Association. Many visitors came by the table during the day. Our efforts were greatly appreciated by the park staff.

We did quite well with our Plant Sale in May. We worked for two days and sold almost all the plants we had. Thanks to Nancy and Bob Benkelman for letting us have the sale at Bob’s business on South Main Street. A big thank you also goes to Leslie Jones for the big job of Chairman for this event.

I hope you all have noticed the two beautifully planted round cement planters at each end of Library Park. We held a planting session one morning in May and planted all the plants Mary Secord brought which she had bought for the city. Jo Jameson had nice signs made and Gerry Shaul made special frames for them. Another Civic Beautification project for our club to be proud of!!!

This year’s picnic at Clear Lake State Park was attended by about 30 members, husbands and guests. It was a very pleasant evening, not too hot, and everyone there had a good time and plenty of good food as usual.

July 27 th the board and several committee chairmen met at Barbara Swanson’s house for a planning meeting for this next year. A proposed budget and many suggestions for meeting programs and field trips were put forth. Dates have been set for wreath making, the Christmas Luncheon and Daffodil Tea. We will be having a busy and event filled year to look forward to.

On August 25 th we will be hosting the District Fall Board Meeting at our clubhouse. The coffee hour will begin at 9:30 A.M. We will be serving luncheon at noon. I hope all who are able will attend and help to do what ever is needed. We will need people to serve the luncheon, help in the clean up, etc. Please call Barbara at 262-0636 if you can attend.

The Lake County Fair garden entry will be installed on Sept. 1, 2004 at 8A.M. If you are planning to help or bring plants, be sure to mark this date on your calendar. The committee have been nursing plants all summer and our club artist has painted the backdrop. We still have a lot to do to put it all together, but hopefully it will be worth the effort. I hope you will all come to the fair to see the garden.

Our first meeting for the upcoming year will be on September 21, 2004. Leslie Jones will be conducting an orientation for our new members at 12:00 Noon. The program will be a comprehensive slide show on iris variety by Jeanne Plank, future President of the American Iris Society. Hope to see you all there.