       October 2007
Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club
October 2007 Newsletter
Below is our October 2007 newsletter. If you would like to print a copy, please download the Adobe PDF file by clicking here (it's a relatively large 1.36MB file, so will take awhile to download on a slow connection) and print it using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not yet have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can get the free download by clicking here.
Trellis Talk
Est. 1955 October 2007 Volume 1, Issue 2 Mendo-Lake Dist.

President: Claire Grieve

Editor: Linda Pyers

Garden Journaling
by Andrea Anderson, Youth Garden Chair

When you plant a seed in a child's heart, you must take care to keep it watered, fed and the light shining upon it so that the world will someday witness the beauty of flower, fruit of labor and bounty of harvest. Left unattended, a child is like plant which will eventually become weak and trodden, taken over by weeds.

Currently, this year, the Kelseyville Kids Garden Club Youth Garden has about 45 children and only about 3-4 volunteers per day. Quite frankly, this year, more than ever, they need our support and our attention.

They did great on their bulb sales, this year. A special thanks to everyone who bought bulbs to support them: J Douville, C Grieve, C Brabrook, H Christensen, S Gardner-Newman, H Turley, L Waterstraat, MA Worth, L Pyers, J Graham and N Bailey.

However, they still need and would greatly appreciate new or used: 10 magnifying glasses, 3 hand pruners, 2 picnic tables, 30 silverware sets, 30 Corel plates.

And Can Always Use: pots, pans, mixing bowls, colanders, tongs, serving ware, cooking utensils. cheese and garlic graters, large serving bowls and plates, rectangular table cloths, seed trays/planting pots, gloves for small hands, shovels and smaller digging tools, wagons.

These items can either be given to me (Andrea Anderson) at meetings or taken directly to the Youth Garden and Kelseyville Elementary

(2-3pm Tues and Thurs).
A very special thanks to Doris Ellsworth for already donating some items from the Elephant Sale table.

And, of course, they are always in need of an extra hand between 1:30-3pm, if you are available.

Every little bit helps and is quite important, Making sure that every child receives valuable knowledge, wisdom and experience which they can carry with them their entire life is one of the greatest gifts an adult can give.


A Stroll Down ‘Memory Lane’
with Jo Shaul

CLTTGC was organized in 1955. Ruth Miller was our first club president. In 1976 Val Muse, a former member, invited me to one of the club’s meeting and before I knew it I joined . At that time the club met at St Johns Episcopal Church. In 1982, I become president for a two year term.

In 1984 the garden club pledged $500 towards the Lakeside Hospital building fund. The club also voted to help with the landscaping of the hospital grounds along with the Rotary Club. Several yard sales were held to raise money for the project.

Ruth Miller’s husband volunteered to bring his tractor to help level the grounds. As Mr. Miller was backing the tractor up, we could tell that he wasn’t going to stop and turn around, so we waved our hands and hollered, “MR MILLER STOP!” but he just kept going, when bang a nice big hole in the side of the hospital wall. I had the job of going in and reporting to the supervisor of the job since I was president of the auxiliary. His name was Joe and he said don’t worry we’ll take care of it. I think I got several gray hairs that day.

When the hospital was complete and they had open house, Val Muse, Edith Mosegaard and myself along with hospital volunteers made flower arrangements to put all over the hospital. Edith entered an award through CGCI on Civic Landscaping using the work on the hospital grounds.

She did a beautiful job and won 1st blue ribbon prize. In 1985 landscaping plans for Harley Cemetery Chapel were voted on and Mary Secord took the job as chairman of the project. Mary also entered the contest in Family Circle Magazine titled ‘Make America Beautiful’. You can see that we have some very
dedicated women in the organization.

In 1985 Elizabeth Whitehead (pres 1975-1978), Helen Rickabaugh (pres 1962-1963), and Edith Mosegaard (pres 1980-1982) went to Boggs Lake taking their sleeping bags, got up early in the morning to watch for the ‘Purple Water Shield’ flower. Few people have seen this plant’s small purple flowers because they develop under water and come our only two days each year. They were so happy that they got to see it.

These three women were really dedicated garden club women.


Gardening Tips

TIP #3
Pokeweed, a native plant to North America, is poisonous to humans.
Doris Ellsworth

TIP #4
Add 1 beer to a gallon of water , then water garden where heat has wilted/ curled plants.
Andrea Anderson

TIP #5
Use vinegar on plants to kill mold.
Claire Grieve


Garden Thyme
with Claire Grieve, President

What a successful first meeting - we had fun (the sunflowers were amazing); the flower specimen table was so beautiful with flowers from all the members’ gardens; the Hartley Cemetery Memorial Garden display was a learning experience; and the butterfly farm tour slide show and display was informative for all of us. We completed everything that was on the agenda. Thank you for your patience and support.

The seed basket is full—help yourself and also please bring seeds from your garden (there is no cost involved, just sharing).

‘Thanks’ go out to all of you, whatever time and energy you shared with other members and our club. Remember this is ‘our’ club—the more involved you are, the more you will get out of the club. Send any suggestions to me or any Board member. We want to have fun and enjoy our garden club.

See you in the garden,


An Invitation from the District Director
by Gina-Belle Smith

What is a District Garden Club Meeting?

Well, I’m so glad you asked. Anyone can attend a District meeting. There are 28 “Districts” in the State of California. We are the “Mendo-Lake

District” and our District has six garden clubs. We only meet a few times: August for Planning, October for fall, January for winter, April for

spring, and June for summer. The clubs come from Lake County, Potter Valley, Ukiah, Willits and Fort Bragg. We have plant sales, garden

items, raffles, drawings, special guest and program speakers. There’s lot’s of gardening information and exchange of ideas.

I’m personally inviting you to attend our next meeting…

Wednesday, October 24, 2007.
Place: Lucerne Community Church, Lucerne. Time: 9:45 (Ice Breaker),
10:30 (Meeting Starts).
Lunch is $12.
Need to RSVP & mail check to:
North Lake Garden Club,
Don Smith 274-2165,
P.O. Box 517, Nice, CA 95464.

Hope to see you there!


Silent Auction: Would anyone be willing to make or donate an item for a future silent auction? Please talk with Chairman Jo Dovuille.


2008 Master Gardner Calendars available. See Master Gardener, Linda Waterstraat.


Gift Basket for Opportunity Drawing

Please bring gently used items and unwanted gifts to donate for our gift basket. Hand crafted items by our talented members are welcome. Money raised from the drawing supports the newsletter.

October Theme: ‘Fall-Halloween-Garden’.


Sunflower Growing Contest WINNERS

Jan Kespohl was once again the winner with her 9’10” sunflower. Helaine Christensen was also a winner with a seed pod having the largest diameter.


‘Penny Pine’ Certificates were presented at our Sep meeting to honor Katherine Lewis and Carol Brabrook and in memory of their husbands.


Thank You! It was a great surprise at our picnic to enjoy Jo’s funny play about my years in our garden club and I’ve saved all the beautiful cards you so generously gave me.



Green Thumbs Up to:

Helen Christensen for presenting the Sweet Memories Butterfly Farm slide show and Diane Nielson for giving us the CD of pictures her daughter

Pat Hopper for filling in for Pam Held and presenting our new members’ orientation.

Thelma Dangle for reporting our activities to the Record Bee and the

Jo Douville for going over to our wildflower and native plant park faithfully to water by hand.

Nora Gerrard, Jo Douville, Mary Secord, and June Dye, and Claire Grieve for helping to inventory & clean our clubhouse cupboards.

The Wonderful Ladies of both the Clearlake and Lucerne Garden Therapy Programs for brightening up the lives of others with the gift of themselves and flowers.

Nancy Benkleman for storing both wreath making tables at her Dad’s garage until Nov. We REALLY appreciate it.

Theresa Mathur who has offered to store the wreath making tables , etc. in her barn. We REALLY appreciate this also.

Nora Gerrard for keeping a cool head while meeting all our club’s financial deadlines.


Christmas Wreaths will be limited to 200 this year. Jan Kespohl has order forms & is collecting the money. Ordering deadline is Nov 6th (same day the Lake Kabatin Redbud Arrangers meet).


October Calendar

2 Lake Kabatin Arrangers—11am.
3 Award Workshop—9:30am-12noon.
2-3 Gardening Study-Santa Rosa
16 Club Meeting—Hostess: Leslie Jones, Jo Douville, Pat Hopper.
17 Field Trip-Hydro-Pacific Tour, 9am Tues/Thur –2-3pm Youth Garden, KV


Field Trip: First Garden Tour
by Jane Graham

Garden Tours 2007-08

The Garden Tours of 2007-2008 started out in July of this year at my home in Cobb. The tour started out with everyone getting a primitive drawing of some of the dates that a few of the flower beds had been started or redone. By showing dates the guests could see how quickly flower beds can take on a look of being there for a long time. I lead the group down the rambling graveled paths and spoke about certain plantings, the ponds, suppliers that I use and answering questions that came up.  The goal of my garden planning is to address plant texture, color, size and blooming time. 

Even though our club takes a break from meeting June-July, our gardens are never on a break. Watering, dead heading and of course picking our flowers, fruit and vegetables can be a full time job, especially in the summer months. I hope that by touring members’ garden's we can see the numerous types of gardens, types of gardening and share the enjoyment we all receive from it.

I look forward to planning many more tours including a visit to a day lily working garden next summer.  If you are interested in having a tour of your garden please call me and we will set a date.

Editor’s note: Jane was a wonderful host and made us all feel very welcome. As you can see from the pictures on the center fold of this newsletter, anyone who couldn’t make this tour missed out on a real treat. There were about 15 of us and we had an extra bonus of seeing her neighbors rose garden. Thanks Jane, can't wait to see where we will be going for our next garden tour.


The 2007-09 Civic Development Grant Program, “Let’s Go Native”, is for a NEW project that must begin after June 07 and be complete by May 09. Awards are up to $1,000 and require matching funds. More information is available in your Aug/Sep 07 Golden Gardens magazine. Deadline Nov 15, 2007.


Time to plant spring blooming bulbs, alyssum, seeds for peas, spinach, lettuce, garlic, onions, leeks, beets, and sweet peas.


Garden Therapy Adult Respite Program

Clearlake Program, Sep 11– Barbara Swanson (standing in for Jo Jameson who was out of town) and Barbara Fain worked with 15 clients from the Senior Center that meets at St. John's Lutheran Church in Clearlake. Barbara Fain collected the vases while Carol Kesey, Barbara Fain, Barbara Swanson and Trinity Designs Florist in Kelseyville donated the flowers and green materials. The clients made beautiful bouquets and all seemed to enjoy themselves.

Lucerne Program: Sep 4- June Beto worked with 4 clients using yellow mums, red flowers, and rose hips from her own garden. The clients wanted to know what the rose hips were, so she cut one open and explained the seeds inside.


by Jerry Shaul

… and they did. The European settler who with his curiosity, inventive ability and disregard for long term consequences made changes to California’s natural scheme of things. He intentionally transported plants to California from other parts of the world for food, medicine and ornamentation-plants which subsequently escaped cultivation. He selected native plants and through cross breeding developed “improved” varieties for the home gardener. A process which continues. Many of these plants that grow in our woodlands and fields are considered by many people to be natives “A plant growing and reproducing without the aid of cultivation”. Some of these that are displacing natives especially along roadsides are: Broom, vinca minor/major, oxeyed daisy, chicory, queen Ann’s lace, Dutch iris, sweet pea and many others. Very simply a true California native plant is one that grew within our borders prior to European settlement. I challenge each of you to explore the fascinating world of California native flora and find how rewarding it is to protect, conserve and beautify while you show that you love to garden.


Christmas Luncheon
Dec 10th, Sicily’s Restaurant, (new location at the airport) at 11:30 am. The cost is $15.

The meal choices are the following:
Spaghetti w/meat balls or sausage
Spaghetti w/marinara sauce (no meat)
Chicken Alfredo
Caesar Salad
Caesar Chicken Salad.

The sign-up list has already been posted. Donna Isley is chairing this event. Please note this year we will be gifting our Youth Garden Program. (See wish list in Garden Journaling on front page).


Congratulations to Barbara Swanson! She won the drawing for our Sep gift basket. Thanks to those who donated. Wonderful things.


Happy Birthday!

10/26 Mary Secord
11/04 Thomas Welsh


Sign Up Board:

We now have a central place for all our sign ups. That would include field trips, luncheons, contests, etc.


New Members
by Diane Neilson

#65 Ginny Cline

Please add new members to your Yearbook & give us any changes. Thx.


The 3rd canvas/painting has been donated to the children’s play in Ukiah as a stage set background.
Thanks to Theresa Mathur.


Sunshine News
by Nancy Bailey

08/10/07 —Thinking of You to Donna Isley.
08/19/07 —Get-Well to Sharon Thorne.
08/24/07 —Get-Well to Linda Pyers.
08/28/07 —Sympathy to Ann Blue.
09/19/07 —Welcome to Ginny Cline.
09/22/07 —Speedy Recovery to Jane Graham.


Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club
The club meets at 12:30 pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Scott’s Valley Women’s Club House
2298 Hendricks Road
Lakeport, CA 95453


Newsletter Chairperson / Editor
Linda Pyers

Deadline for articles is the last day of each month, but sooner is better.



Lake Kabatin Redbud Arrangers:
Oct 2 / 11am. Theme—Crescent Design.

Gardening Study School: Oct 2-3
Luther Burbank Center, Santa Rosa

Awards Workshop:
Chaired by: Jo Shaul & Mary Secord.
Oct 3, Awards Workshop / 9:30am-12:00noon

Oct. 16th Meeting:
12:30pm Social
1pm - Regular meeting.
2pm - Program: Composting/Ecological Gardening.

Remember flower for roll call time.

End to the Hollyhock Contest:
Bring your best hollyhock to the Oct meeting. Prizes for the tallest & most colorful.

Field Trip: Oct 17
Organized by Sharon Thorne.
Join North Lake GC for tour of the Hydro-Pacific,
351 C Hasting Avenue, Ukiah.
Carpool-meet at 9am at Sentry Market (cor Hwy 20 & Nice-Lucerne Cutoff.

Gift Basket Drawing:
Chaired by Jo Douville.
Please bring fall/Halloween garden donations.

Plants & Talents Table
Chaired by Doris Ellsworth.
Please bring items & plants to sell.

Youth Garden Club:
Tuesday & Thursdays / 2-3pm,
Kelseyville Elementary. (Note: date & time change)

Christmas Wreath Orders: deadline Nov 6th
Co-Chaired by Jan Kespohl & Joanne Jameson.

Christmas Luncheon Sign Up:
Chaired by Donna Isley.
Dec 10th, 11:30am, Sicily’s Restaurant, $15/person.


Cultivate Kindness, Share Your Garden.