       January 2006
Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club
Newsletter - January 2006
Below is our January 2006 newsletter. If you would like to print a copy, please download the Adobe PDF file by clicking here and print it using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not yet have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can get the free download by clicking here.
Est. 1955 Newsletter - January 2006 Mendo-Lake Dist.

President: Gina-Belle Smith

Editor: Barbara Swanson

Happy New Year!!! - It was a successful Christmas Wreath Fundraiser. Winter was definitely in the air. The rains came and we were out cutting and collecting greens, making bows, and preparing our equipment for three long hard working days. 231 beautiful fresh wreaths were sold. Thank you to all our club members, friends and businesses for your support.

The Christmas luncheon was all sparkles and smiles as members and their guest feasted at the Buckingham’s Tee Room Restaurant. Member and Chairman, Pat Hopper was honored with a certificate from the state and club. See pictures on website.

January 17, 2006 will be our first meeting in the New Year! We look forward to a program on local pest management from our Master Gardeners of Lake County, Miki Brown and Gabriele O’Neil. – Welcome!

Be sure to check your yearbook for the scheduled workshop. This month will be the ladybug brick. Check your hardcopy newsletter for detail of this cute bug!

Our club is proud to host the Mendo-Lake District meeting on Jan. 25, 2006. Please join us by RSVP to Barbra Swanson by Mon. Jan. 16th. Come learn& share what’s going on in our local garden clubs and state.

Flower arranging group meets the first Tuesday of each month. Come learn and discover what arranging is all about. We’d love to share with you. For more information contact:

If you have information you would like to share with our club be sure to contact us by email at . Someone will contact you in return.

Additional information is posted in hard copy format. For Non-Member hard copy newsletter, please send $1 SAS to CLTTGC, P.O. Box 704, Kelseyville, CA 95451.

Sowing seeds for another 50 years!