       Spring 2005
Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club
Newsletter - Spring 2005
Below is our Spring 2005 newsletter. If you would like to print a copy, please download the Adobe PDF file by clicking here and print it using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not yet have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can get the free download by clicking here.
Newsletter Spring 2005

President: Barbara Swanson

Editor: Joanne Jameson


I hope you were among the lucky participants in our February workshop who made gourd birdhouses. A very productive class led by Jan Kespohl and Marilyn Crayton produced twenty seven interesting gourd birdhouses.

This year’s Daffodil Tea was a lovely affair. We had nice spring like weather and a turnout of 72 members and guests. Although the daffodils bloomed early this year there were still enough to make beautiful arrangements for the tables and two outstanding baskets. Chairman Gina Belle Smith did a superb job and so did Jo Jameson as Mistress of Ceremony. Thanks to all who worked behind the scene to make this event a big success.

April 19th, 2005 is our next meeting. Our program will be done by the Lake Ka-Ba-Tin Redbud Arrangers. The hostesses are Ann Blue, Sue Flodberg and Rose Davidson.

The following Saturday, April 23rd, is the Wildflower Breakfast and Heron Day Festival at the Clear Lake State Park. Since the park is our adopted park, we have been invited to have a booth on native plants, as we did last year. Our booth will be open from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. This year we will have a canopy over us so we will not have to be out in the hot sun. If you can come and help man the booth for a couple hours or donate any potted native plants please call Barbara Swanson. It will be greatly appreciated.

May 17, 2005 meeting will have a question and answer session on plants that will grow in this area. All members who are new to the area, as well as the rest, who are interested in learning more about plants, please write down your questions and bring them to the meeting. This will be a knowledge sharing program so be sure to bring a notebook to write down the answers to your questions.

Our annual picnic is on June 21, at the Clear Lake State Park. It is a pot luck picnic which begins at 5P.M. Husbands are welcome. Hopefully, it will also be the installation of officers for the coming term.